Clery Report
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
The goal of the Clery Report is to bolster safety at Susquehanna University by raising awareness of crimes, reinforcing preparedness and highlighting prevention initiatives.
The federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) requires that crime statistics and fire safety information be made available to all students, faculty, staff, and prospective students and employees. Additionally, the Pennsylvania College and University Security Act requires reporting of similar statistics with rates of crimes.
By each Oct. 1, Susquehanna publishes its Clery Report, which is linked and described below. A copy of the current report and previous reports can be obtained at the Campus Safety Office at
Three reports in one
Susquehanna’s Clery Report, has three main sections that contain federally mandated crime statistics; fire safety statistics; and state-mandated crime rates and statistics, which often vary from the federal statistics because of different reporting requirements.
- The annual Security Report includes statistics for the previous three calendar years of reported crimes defined by federal statute that occurred on campus, public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus, and certain non-campus buildings and property owned or controlled by Susquehanna University. The report also includes campus security policies and reporting procedures, as well as details about efforts to improve campus safety.
- The annual Fire Safety Report includes federally required statistics about fires for the previous three calendar years within set geographic boundaries and the university’s fire prevention and safety policy.
- The annual Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Report includes state-required crime statistics for three years and rates based on the number of students, faculty and staff. The statistics only include offenses reported to and investigated directly by Susquehanna University Campus Safety, not those reported to or directly investigated by the local, regional, state or federal police authorities.
Additional information
Campus safety communications and daily logs
Susquehanna has an emergency notification system, through which all enrolled students, current faculty and staff members receive alerts on their university-registered cell phones. The emergency system is tested university wide in the first few weeks of each fall and spring semester.
In addition to emergency notifications, Susquehanna remains committed to promptly disseminating timely information of imminent threats and safety alerts to our community.
Campus Safety regularly posts activity briefs of safety incidents and fire alarm activity, which are also disseminated by email to the university community. A hard copy of the Daily Crime Log and Fire Log, containing all incidents reported to Campus Safety, is updated each day by 6 a.m. and is accessible for public viewing at the Campus Safety Office. The daily crime and fire log includes the date and time the report was received, the date and time the incident occurred, the nature of the offense, the location of the offense and disposition if available.
Access to state information on registered sex offenders
Pennsylvania state police maintain a public registry of persons who reside, work, carry on a vocation, or attend school in the state and who have either been convicted of, entered a plea of guilty to, or adjudicated delinquent of certain sexual offenses in the state or another jurisdiction. This information is available at Megan’s Law website.
Compliance for crime reporting
If you believe there has been a violation of one or more of the provisions of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or the Pennsylvania College and University Security Information Act, you can file a complaint at the Campus Safety Office at The complaint will be forwarded to the assistant vice president for facilities and campus safety, who will respond in writing to the complainant within five business days from the date the complaint is received.